
Feature Showcase

MarkRight is capable of recognizing several patterns of fenced code block info texts in a MarkDown file. These patterns allow you to instruct MarkRight to run actions which enable building up files and executing scripts as per the document resulting in literal programming experience where just by describing the program you are building, you are building the program.

Create or replace a file



test (relative to will be created or replaced depending on if it already existed.

Run a script

To run any arbitrary (even multi-line) script, use a sh fenced code block:

# Note that PowerShell uses UTF-16 by default which MarkRight doesn't support
"Script test" | Out-File -Encoding ASCII test

Check file content

Script test

The test file will be checked to see if it really contains the same content as typed in the MarkDown fenced code block. This is useful to ensure the executed scripts provide the expected outputs and will work as a unit test.

Delete a file

del test

Append to a file

This will append to a file if one already exists or create a file if it doesn’t:

More content

The file did not exist, before we deleted it using a script, so it got made.

Even more content

This time the file did exist, so content got appended to it. Now it says:

More content
Even more content

The ! sign is used to distinguish from creating (or overwriting) a file and appending at the end of a file.

Track file name

Everywhere where a file name is accepted, _ can be passed in. It will resolve to the last file name used, making the difference between editing a single file in multiple steps and jumping between various files more pronounced so that the difference is easy to spot. Also, changing file names does not require multiple edits this way.

? can be used in place of _? (match last file) and _! (patch last file), you don’t need to use the placeholder and can leave these modifiers standalone.

An example with even more appending, but this time using _ (_! so !):

Yet more content
More content
Even more content
Yet more content

Create a file without showing its name

```txt test2 test

This is alternative syntax for the one based on placing an inline code run with
the file name atop the fenced code block. It is useful for when the file name of
the file has already been mentioned in writing and repeating it using the inline
code run would result in redudant content for the human reader.

### Insert into a file

Even more content
New content
Yet more content

The leading and trailing lines are used to determine where in the file to place the lines between them.

This will result in test having this content:

More content
Even more content
New content
Yet more content

Patch a file

With syntax highlighting:

```patch _

Or just use our trusty ! marker:

- Content
- Yet more content
+ Some content
+ Some other content

Line starting with - are removed, lines starting with + are added and lines that start with neither are unchanged and checked for being the same.

This results in:

Some content
Some other content

Ignore verbatim code blocks

MarkDown supports verbatim code blocks denoted by ~~~. These are used to embed fenced code blocks within a document verbatim, without interpreting them. We can showcase a MarkRight fenced code block in source (as opposed to rendered) form by wrapping it in verbatim code blocks:

Some content
Some other content

The above is the exact MarkDown syntax of a file match check (of the last file).

Shutting down interactive scripts


A script like this will prompt the user for input. MarkRight doesn’t support interactivity this way, because the input provided would not be captured as a part of the document and this would deviate from the idea of the MarkRight document being the single source of truth.

MarkRight will reply to any prompts raised with no value. How the process reacts to this differs from process to process. Interactive scripts can be used in MR as long as the document author takes into an account MarkRight will behave this way. We recommend passing in information a different way, e.g.: CLI switches, I/O redirection, configuration files etc.

Windows Sandbox scripts

Use wsb for the language tag to run a PowerShell script in Windows Sandbox.

echo "Hello, World!"
Hello, World!

Note: This is likely to become an option of the PowerShell fenced code block in the future instead of being its own block.

Run a script and verify its standard I/O streams in one code block

```sh { "stdout": "Hello, world!" }
echo "Hello, world!"

Shell script code blocks accept a JSON object with options. Using stdout will make sure that after the script is run, its standard output will be checked the same way as if we used this other code block right after:

Hello, world!

The same is true of stderr (and we can optionally also check exitCode here).

sh { "stdout": "Hello, world!\n" } echo "Hello, world!"